English (United Kingdom)

Fulcrum Biometrics


Fulcrum Biometrics helps our partners accomplish their goals using advanced biometric systems (especially palm vein based) and other strong authentication technologies.

In this digital age, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to stay ahead of the pace of change while continuing to provide excellent service to their core constituents. This requires a solid digital transformation strategy in order to thrive in the future. Critical to any modern strategy is ensuring that the right people have access to the right things at the right places and times. Failure to properly plan for and execute mission-critical identity management systems can have serious, costly, and sometimes devastating consequences.

PalmSecure SDK
Software Development Kit
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PalmSecure F-Pro
Palm Vein Desktop Scanner
Product details
bioCAPTUS R55 Pro
Rugged Android Multimodal Biometrics Handheld
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